The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Entertainment Committee presents

能楽の世界 / The World of Noh Theatre


The World of Noh Theatre
能楽の世界 - 櫻間右陣 シテ方金春流能楽師 第21代櫻間家当主

能楽の世界 - 櫻間右陣 シテ方金春流能楽師 第21代櫻間家当主 / 日本外国特派員協会

能楽の世界 - 櫻間右陣 シテ方金春流能楽師 第12代櫻間家当主 / 日本外国特派員協会

Introducing the fascinating and mysterious world of Noh Theatre established in 14th century Japan. We welcome Master Sakurama Ujin, the 21st head of the Sakurama family Shite-kata, of the Komparu School to the FCCJ to give us a special talk and demonstration of Noh, ahead of Sakurama Kai Speical Noh Theater performance at the National Noh Theatre.

*The presentation will be in Japanese with English interpretation.

シテ方金春流能楽師・第21代櫻間家当主 櫻間右陣氏を日本外国特派員協会にお招きし、日本の伝統芸能「能楽」の 歴史と文化、そして 4/13 国立能楽堂で開催される櫻間會別会「能:道成寺」と「半能:海人」についての特別講演& 舞のデモンストレーション。

* 日本語での講演(英語通訳)で実施しますので、日本人の方もお気軽にご参加できます。

Flyer front/チラシ表Flyer back/チラシ裏

Date / 開催日
Friday 28th March 2025 / 2025年3月28日(金)

Time / 開催時間
18:45 OPEN / 19:00 START /20:00 Snack / 18:45開場 / 19:00 講演開始 / 20:00 軽食(立食)

Venue / 会場
Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan / 日本外国特派員協会
3-2-3 Marunouchi Nijyubashi Building, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo
東京都千代田区丸の内3丁目2−3 二重橋ビル 5・6階
Google Map 【JR東京駅】丸ノ内南口 徒歩7分 / 【二重橋前駅:千代田線(地下鉄東京メトロ)】徒歩2分 / 【有楽町駅:有楽町線(地下鉄東京メトロ)】徒歩5分 / 【JR有楽町駅】徒歩5分

Ticket / チケット
①Single Ticket / シングルチケット (3/28 only)
FCCJ Member: ¥5,500(日本外国特派員協会会員)
Non-FCCJ Member: ¥6,600(一般)

includes, 3/28 entry, one drink and light snack after the event
To Reserve Single Tickets / シングルチケットご予約(Booking through FCCJ)
TEL: 03-3211-3161 OR Email: front@fccj.or.jp(日本語対応可)

②Special Set Tickets / 特別セットチケット (3/28 and 4/13 both days)
FCCJ Member: ¥14,000(日本外国特派員協会会員)
Non-FCCJ Member: ¥15,100(一般)

includes all the above on Single Tickets, and special discounted seat for Sakurama Kai Special Noh performance at the National Noh Theatre (Sendagaya) on Sunday 13th April. A-Seat(¥12,000)will be discounted to ¥8,500 (included in the ticket price above)
内容:上記シングルチケット内容に加え、4/13開催の櫻間會別会(国立能楽堂)A席を特別割引価格でご提供 (A席通常価格¥12,000がセットチケットで¥8,500(上記料金に含まれます)

To Reserve Special Set Tickets / 特別セットチケットご予約 (Booking through Music Inc.)
Booking Form/ 予約フォーム

*Payment must be paid in advance / 事前予約制

For further details in English about 13th April Sakurama Kai Special Noh Performance (included in Special Set Tickets):Fore More Info
特別セットチケットに含まれる4月13日櫻間會別会の詳細はこちらをご覧ください: こちら

Organiser: The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Entertainment Committee
主催:日本外国特派員協会 娯楽委員会 / Web site

Guest / ゲスト
Master Sakurama Ujin, the 21st head of the Sakurama family Shite-kata, of the Komparu School / 櫻間右陣 シテ方金春流能楽師 第21代櫻間家当主


Sakurama Makoto (later Ujin) was born in Tokyo in 1961 as the first grandson of Sakurama Michio, a Living National Treasure of Komparu Noh School. Makoto started his Noh training at the age of 4 under his grandfather, and made his first appearance on the stage at the same age.

He was adopted as Michio’s son to become his successor but Michio suddenly passed away when Makoto was still in his 20’s. Then, his uncle, Sakurama Kintaro, took the role of Makoto’s Noh teacher and adopted Makoto as his son. In 2004, Makoto succeeded the Sakurama family’s great name “Ujin”, which was the name of the father of Sakurama Sajin, one of the great Noh masters in the Meiji Period.

Today, Sakurama Ujin is the 21st family head of the Sakurama family. Ujin is currently a member of the Nohgaku Performers’ Association and a holder of the Important Intangible Cultural Asset. He has taken the position as a director of the said association in the past. He has made a great achievement in Noh performance in Japan as well as in many foreign countries. He has been playing torchlight Noh performance at Shomyo-ji Temple in Kanazawa-Bunko for more than 20 years. This stage is extremely popular in this district and the tickets are sold out in a couple of days every year.

He has also played Noh in television dramas including Noh scenes such as in "Yashima" - a story about the battles between the most famous two leading samurai families, the Genji and the Heike in the middle ages; in "Nobunaga, King of Japan", which was broadcast by NHK; and also in "Takeda Shingen" and "Futari Shizuka". Furthermore, he has been invited as a guest speaker on radio shows.

Between his Noh stages, Ujin teaches Noh (dancing and singing) in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Shizuoka, Niigata, Osaka and Kyushu, as well as at the Bungakuza in Tokyo and Dokkyo University in Saitama.

シテ方金春流能楽師 昭和36年、東京生まれ
人間国宝・櫻間道雄(みちお)の初男子孫、後を継ぐものとして師事し、道雄急逝後は、伯父・櫻間金太郎(きんたろう)に師事。後に金太郎・道雄の嗣子となり、第21代櫻間家当主。 4歳より稽古をはじめ、初舞台。

公社)能楽協会会員 (社)日本能楽会会員

◎国立能楽堂 定例公演など
◎鳩森八幡神社秋季例大祭奉納 神賑能 および 新春奉納式


◎『信長 ~キング・オブ・ジャパン~』では「八島」など数場面

◎平成16年1月3日 NHK「新春能狂言」 能『田村 白式』
◎平成25年11月24日 NHK「古典芸能への招待」 能『富士山』(富士山の世界文化遺産登録を記念した番組)

◎文学座附属演劇研究所 座外講師
◎獨協大学能楽会 講師

Sakurama Kai Website